Groad Series

The Benky Rides Groad Series is a series of self-supported single day gravel rides through the fantastic landscapes that South Africa has to offer. These rides are designed to take you to places that you would not otherwise see and to remind you of the simple joy that riding a bike brings, while simultaneously allowing you to be a part of a community of like-minded riders.

These rides happen monthly, each time visiting a new area of South Africa, and will be open to all riders.

We will provide a route and route description, give you a place to share your experience and make sure you know where you are going, all that you have to do is choose a day that suits you and ride your bike and look after yourself along the way.

These rides are not races but there will be prizes from our favourite brands, awarded at random, that can be qualified for simply by finishing the ride and posting it on Strava.

We will do our best to keep these rides free of charge. There might be a small cost to riders along the route for private land use, such as trail networks, and when this is the case we will ensure it is clear beforehand.

Entries are via the Benky Rides Facebook page.

For any queries or route suggestions please contact us via email at

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